Rain Addict_4 :Suspicion 首页

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   4 :Suspicion (第2/5页)

ion between them was palpable, a silent understanding passing between them that they needed to stay vigilant.

    As they neared a clearing, Sukie heard a rustling in the bushes. She tensed, her hand moving to the hilt of her sword. Han Fengling placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, his touch grounding her.

    "Stay close," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

    They moved forward, inching closer to the source of the sound. Suddenly, a figure burst from the underbrush, stumbling and falling at their feet. It was a young girl, her clothes torn and dirty, her face streaked with tears.

    "Help me, please," she begged, her voice trembling with fear. "They,re coming."

    Sukie knelt beside the girl, her heart aching at the sight of her distress. "Who are you? What,s happening?"

    The girl looked up, her eyes wide with terror. "My name is Mei. The Dark Lord,s soldiers attacked our village. They took my family. I managed to escape, but they,re still out there, searching for me."

    Han Fengling,s expression darkened, and he helped the girl to her feet. "We won,t let them harm you, Mei. You,re safe with us."

    Just as he spoke, a group of soldiers emerged from the trees, their armor glinting menacingly in the sunlight. They surrounded them, their weapons drawn.

    "Hand over the girl," the leader of the soldiers demanded, his voice cold and authoritative. "She belongs to the Dark Lord now."

    Han Fengling stepped forward, his stance protective. "You,ll have to get through us first."

    The leader sneered, raising his sword. "So be it."

    The battle that ensued was fierce and chaotic. Sukie fought with all her might, her training and magical abilities coming to the fore. She moved with grace and precision, her sword flashing as she parried and struck. Han Fengling was a whirlwind of power beside her, his movements fluid and dead
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