Rain Addict_5 : Shadows of Betra 首页

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   5 : Shadows of Betra (第2/6页)

was interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps. They turned to see the village leader, the elderly man who had welcomed them, approaching with a look of concern.

    “Han Fengling, Sukie,” he called out, his voice urgent. “There’s something you need to see.”

    They followed the village leader to the outskirts of the village, where a group of villagers had gathered around a figure lying on the ground. As they pushed through the crowd, Sukie’s breath caught in her throat. The figure was a soldier, badly injured and barely conscious.

    “He stumbled into the village this morning,” the village leader explained. “He kept asking for you.”

    Han Fengling knelt beside the soldier, his expression grim. “What happened to you? Who did this?”

    The soldier coughed, his voice weak. “The Dark Lord… he’s planning an attack. He has a new weapon, something powerful. You have to stop him… before it’s too late.”

    Sukie’s heart raced. “Where is he planning to attack?”

    The soldier’s eyes flickered, his strength fading. “The capital… he wants to take the capital.”

    With those words, the soldier’s eyes closed, and he went still. Han Fengling stood, his jaw set in determination. “We need to get to the capital. If the Dark Lord takes it, the entire kingdom will fall.”

    Sukie nodded, her resolve unwavering. “Then we have no time to waste. We need to gather our allies and head to the capital immediately.”

    The villagers, overhearing the conversation, began to murmur amongst themselves. Fear and uncertainty rippled through the crowd, but there was also a sense of determination. The village leader stepped forward, his voice steady.

    “We will h
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