Rain Addict_10 :Go on ! Maiden 首页

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   10 :Go on ! Maiden (第3/6页)

th pride and love.

    "Sukie, it,s so good to see you," her mother said, leading her inside. "You,ve been working so hard. I,m worried you,re overdoing it."

    Sukie smiled, appreciating her mother,s concern. "I,m okay, Mom. I just have a lot I need to accomplish."

    Her father joined them in the living room, his expression serious. "We,re proud of you, Sukie. But we also want to make sure you,re taking care of yourself. You don,t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders."

    The warmth and support of her parents were a balm to Sukie’s weary soul. She spent the weekend relaxing and reconnecting with her family, finding solace in their love and understanding. It was a reminder that she was not alone in her journey, and that there were people who cared deeply about her well-being.

    After returning to school, Sukie threw herself back into her studies with renewed vigor. Her determination paid off as she graduated with top honors, securing a coveted position at a leading investment firm. The fast-paced world of finance was exhilarating, and Sukie quickly established herself as a rising star in the industry.

    Her success did not go unnoticed. She caught the attention of James Whitmore, a wealthy and influential businessman known for his sharp instincts and aggressive tactics. He invited Sukie to join his team, offering her a position that promised both wealth and influence. While the opportunity was tempting, Sukie was wary of Whitmore,s reputation and the potential ethical compromises that might come with working for him.

    One evening, as she sat in her luxurious apartment overlooking the city, Sukie received a call from Mei Ling. Her fri
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