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原来她的世界,我从未进去过 (第3/4页)
还在笑得直不起腰,一边猛灌了一口酒,一边捂着肚子说道:“Shit, Lavender, you’re still as wild as ever—But seriously, do you still remember what she said in that ethics lecture? I swear to God, that was the most delusional crap I’ve ever heard in my life.” 艾优挑了挑眉,嘴角勾起一个不加掩饰的讽刺弧度:“You mean the one where she claimed that ‘women who wear red lipstick are subconsciously signaling their fertility and seeking male validation’?” Leo夸张地一拍额头:“Damn right!! And then she went on to say that high heels are a patriarchal tool designed to keep women physically vulnerable—like, girl, have you ever seen a woman in stilettos? They can literally step on men’s throats if they want to.” 艾优嗤笑了一声,抿了口酒,眸光微冷:“Oh, and don’t forget when she said that ‘a woman with a strong career drive is usually compensating for a lack of romantic fulfillment.’” Leo差点没把酒喷出来:“Fuck me—YES!! And when Sarah called her out on it, she deadass said ‘it’s backed by evolutionary psychology.’” 艾优翻了个白眼,慢条斯理地搅了搅酒杯里的奶油,漫不经心地道:“She’s always talking like she chokes once she makes it to the balls.” Leo猛地一噎,直接被呛了一口酒,猛咳了几声,指着她笑得直不起腰:“La-Veeeender!!! That’s so fucked up—holy shit—” 艾优耸了耸肩,表情淡淡的,但眼底的讥讽意味分毫不掩饰:“Well, am I wrong?” Leo拍着桌子狂笑:“Nope. Not at all. That woman was full of shit, and you just summed it up in the most devastating way possible.” 姚星瞬坐在一旁,手指无意识地收紧,指节泛白。 他听懂了。他全都听懂了。 这句话的隐喻太露骨了,露骨到连他这种再怎么自诩克制的人,都有那么几秒钟大脑一片空白。 他不该听得这么清楚的。 他甚至不该理解得这么透彻的。 可偏偏,他不仅听懂了,甚至还能在脑海里自动浮现出那句话真正的暗示画面,而更糟糕的是——说出这句话的,是艾优。 那个平日里温柔甜美的艾优,那个会小心翼翼地拉着他的手腕、认真地夸他名字好听的艾优,那个会轻声道歉、对“私人距离”异常敏感的艾优…… 现在,她毫无顾忌地说着这样的荤段子,笑得轻松自在,连表情都是他从未见过的洒脱和犀利。 姚星瞬的手指死死扣住酒杯,胸腔里的情绪像是被硬生生拽成两半,一半是难以言喻的震惊,一半是几乎控制不住的烦躁。 他心跳快得有些不对劲,甚至连自己为什