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纽约客(7)初步举证(Prima Facie)【H性侵预警】 (第7/7页)
You, least of all people, have any right to question liberalism.”(何况,没有自由民主制度下法治(即,任何人都不可凌驾于法律、宪法之上)对生命、财产、自由的保障,你那资本市场根本不可能存在。你是最没资格质疑自由主义的人。) Sterling一挑眉,低笑出声,“You still believe in that, after this weekend?”(这周末之后,你还相信这些?)女孩儿恶狠狠乜斜他一眼,他更忍俊不禁,笑叹道:“Oh honey, as you said on Friday, structures of power exist everywhere. With or without capital. In the society we are in, market economy makes it look like everyone stands a chance, but the system is rigged against the vast majority—return on capital, for example, benefited by the legal system, has far outpaced the return on labor. In the society you’re from, one doesn’t even need capital to attain power. Besides, how would you even begin evening the playing field, hm? People are born with different levels of capabilities, intelligence, drive…Those who succeed—such as yourself—succeed for good reason.”(哎,宝贝儿,你自己周五才说过,权力体系无处不在,无论是否有资本介入。我们所在的这个社会里,自由市场让所有人看似拥有公平竞争的机会,但系统早已对大多数人不公平——比如,法律对资本的保护,使资本回报率远远高于劳动所得的回报率。而在你出生的那个社会里,一个人无需资本也能手握重权。况且,你打算如何让世界更平等,嗯?人和人从出生起就能力不同,有些人聪明,有些人愚笨,有些人勤奋,有些人懒惰,有些人深思,有些人浅薄……那些成功的人——比如你自己——其成功并非偶然的幸运,而是必然的结果。) “Liberal democracy was never about the equalization of capabilities, intelligence, and wealth. It’s about the equity of opportunity, rights, dignity, and—”(自由民主制度从来都不是要将人的财富、能力、智力平均化。相反,它指的是人格的平等:人的机遇、尊严、权利与——)她略顿,仿佛被什么东西哽住,眼神一瞬间空了一秒,才低声补完最后一个词:“—and freedom.”(——与自由。) 她收拾起情绪,抬眸直视他:“‘It is my spirit that addresses your spirit; we stand at God’s feet, equal—as we are!’”(‘我的灵魂与你的灵魂对话;我们穿越坟墓,一同站在上帝面前:我们的灵魂是平等的——本就如此!’) ——《简·爱》 有一瞬,Sterling心中几乎生出了些许不忍。但转瞬即逝。他缓缓蹲跪在她面前,与她平视,嗓音温柔平缓,陈述事实,像在纠正一个错的离谱的孩子。 “Oh Nelle, God is dead.”(哦,柰儿,上帝已死。) 柰垂下眸,声音几乎微不可闻:“In front of the law, then.”(那么我们在法律面前,依旧平等。) Sterling默默望了少女几秒,然后叹口气,立起身,伸手揉了揉她的头。 “I booked dinner for seven o’clock. Get ready.”(我在七点订了晚餐,去准备。)