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纽约客(7)初步举证(Prima Facie)【H,性侵预警】 (第7/8页)
wrong.”(‘理应是对的?’ 哦我的宝贝儿啊,福山错的离谱。)他敲了敲书封,抬眸微狭,钢灰的视线落向窗外,“Human society has always operated on competition and conquest. The laws of the jungle reign supreme. Ideologies can’t be classified into right or wrong. And ‘the end of history’ is nothing more than ‘the victor writes history’.”(人类社会从来都是靠竞争与征服运转的。丛林法则才是永恒不变的真理。意识形态并不存在所谓的‘对’与‘错’。而‘历史的终结’(即冷战的结束)——不过是‘胜利者书写历史’罢了。) “You’re again confusing the Is-Ought Problem. Just because something is the way it is, doesn’t mean it ought to remain so.”(你又在混淆‘应然’和‘实然’了。现实如何,并不代表它理应如此。)她语调很冷淡,“Besides, without the protection of life, liberty, and property guaranteed by the rule of law in liberal democracies, your capitalist market would be nonexistent. You, least of all people, have any right to question liberalism.”(何况,没有自由民主制度下法治(即,任何人都不可凌驾于法律、宪法之上)对生命、财产、自由的保障,你那资本市场根本不可能存在。 你是最没资格质疑自由主义的人。) Sterling一挑眉,低笑出声,“You still believe in that, after this weekend?”(这周末之后,你还相信这些?)女孩儿恶狠狠乜斜他一眼,他更忍俊不禁,笑叹道:“Oh honey, as you said on Friday, structures of power exist everywhere. With or without capital. In the society we are in, market economy makes it look like everyone stands a chance, but the system is rigged against the vast majority—return on capital, for example, benefited by the legal system, has far outpaced the return on labor. In the society you’re from, one doesn’t even need capital to attain power. Besides, how would you even begin evening the playing field, hm? People are born with different levels of capabilities, intelligence, drive…Those